Fun Friday 5 Is Here!

Hey there, my name is Rick Morsovillo. As you may already know, I started writing a blog series to let my readers, friends, and business associates know a bit more about me and the things that inspire me. For this reason, the blog series is centered around the same three questions week after week:

  1. What song has been my jam this week, and why?

  2. What is a lesson that you have learned this week?

  3. What is something that you have been thankful for this week?

I am proud to bring you, Fun Friday #5!

1- This week I kept my repeat buttoned turned on for Blue Orchid by The White Stripes!

2- This week I learned that in Iceland, they still believe in elves. So much so, in fact, that the highway department actually consults an individual that speaks to elves to make sure that new roadways do not disturb elf villages.

3- This week I am very thankful for my business partners. I know we all work hard, but I also know that my businesses would not be as successful today without their involvement.

Well, that is it for this week.