Entrepreneurial Leadership: What Is It?

What is true Entrepreneurial Leadership

What Does Entrepreneurial Leadership Mean To You?

Entrepreneurial leadership is a distinct behavioral form of managerial leadership. In the modern world, the business landscape is ever changing and ever evolving as individuals glean from the history books, conferences, seminars, and input from mentors. As a result, managerial expertise has become a leadership must-have. I would venture to say that leadership is the primary force behind successful and effective change.

Leaders empower their employees to act upon the vision that they have set for the company. Leaders execute this empowerment through inspiration, employee development, networking, and the complex web of goal-oriented relationships. These tools help entrepreneurial leaders achieve greater success in achieving their organization’s goals and changing the world around them. Beyond the tools, entrepreneurial leaders are separated from others by their mindset, vision, and innovation.

What are the specific attributes of an entrepreneurial leader?

Effective entrepreneurial leaders must have the realization that they are self-employed. This realization shapes the leaders’ attitudes which directly affects their behaviors. A successful entrepreneurial leader:
Takes initiative toward company development and activities. Action is contagious. When the organization sees their entrepreneurial leader taking strides toward goals, supportive team members follow suit and help the leader achieve these goals.
Demonstrates creativity, innovation, curiosity, eagerness for new opportunities, and pursuit of their dreams.
Takes risks in their pursuits through both strategic direction and inspiration for their staff.
Takes responsibility for the failures of their team, view failures as learning opportunities for future success, and strategize about advancements towards future achievements.
Instills confidence to think, act, and inspire others to achieve entrepreneurial excellence to advance the organization toward deeper levels of growth.

What is the Entrepreneurial Leadership mindset?

If you haven’t learned it yet, it is about time you have. “The venture mindset is fundamentally different than the established corporate shared values mindset.” Entrepreneurial leadership demands a culture of independance, action, trust, and inspiration while the corporate world mandates responsibility, control, and loyalty. Entrepreneurial leadership requires speed. This is a component of agility, experimentation, creativity, adaptation, and rapid response towards trend-setting innovation. Corporate business culture entails review and analysis of the facts and a willingness to sacrifice speed of innovation for meticulous thoroughness. Leaders tend to excel one of these two mindsets.

What is an Entrepreneurial Leadership Oriented Vision?

Vision is important. Without dedication to a vision, leaders and teams alike wander aloof and waver in the tempest of trials. An entrepreneurial leader’s vision should be summed up into a short and inspiring statement. The concept is to set a challenging and stretching goal that gives employees vast freedom in finding ways to achieve said vision. Simultaneously, the vision’s message should communicate the desire to grow; flat-lining is not an option.

What is Entrepreneurial Leadership’s Innovation?

As an entrepreneur, an entrepreneurial leader’s innovation is where creativity meets value-creating or profitable business activities. Entrepreneurial leadership innovation is a delicate and trying process which requires tenacity and finesse. Entrepreneurial leaders promote out-of-the-box thinking, which fosters new ideas and the commercialization of these new ideas. This thinking resembles a relaxed-control process. Relaxed control provides a relaxed and free environment for idea generation, collaborative problem solving, and free exploration. Simultaneously, relaxed-control introduces a tightly controlled testing and measurement component to ideas selected for testing. Relaxed creativity pervades the early stages of this process while controlled testing dominates the later stages. The trick to entrepreneurial leadership’s innovation is to maintain balance. Entrepreneurial leaders who stick to the early stages tend to generate loads of great ideas but lack the follow through to see them come to fruition. They could also be plagued with the inability to commercialize them. Alternatively, those who rule too tightly through control stifle all creativity from their organization and demote innovation into extensions of current commercialized products or services.

Each of these traits of entrepreneurial leadership may be developed regardless of your initial aptitude. Take a few moments to take stock of your personal entrepreneurial leadership skills in your personal reflection time. Whether you are launching your first venture or are a seasoned entrepreneurial vet, my hope is that this list inspires your growth and development. Happy entrepreneuring to you!

Master Time Success

Master Time Success Keys

Master Time Success Through Work And Leisure

My name is Rick Morsovillo and I have discovered how many entrepreneurs with similar ideals and routines are able to schedule their success.  I have written this blog as part of a series to assist you with learning how to scheduling success. If you want to catch up read Master Success By Scheduling Your Success, Master Success Habits, and Master Schedule Success.

Master Time Success By Taking work seriously

The most successful entrepreneurs see tremendous value in what they do everyday. They believe in their work and the change they are bringing to the world. It can be very difficult to be productive and become successful if you truly do not believe that your work is important.

Master Time Success Tip: Plan for a little extra time at the end of every week to review all of your goals and assess your progress towards achieving them. This will not only help you achieve your objectives, but more importantly, it will encourage you to believe in them.

Master Time Success By Finding Time to Relax

Obsessing over work while you are not at the office or incapable of making a change only wears you down. Additionally, it can make you less productive when you return to work! I remember having to write papers for school when I was younger. I remember sitting there for so long as I stared at the wall and pondered over how much I did not want to write the assignment. Once I started writing, it was not so bad. But because I had wasted so much time, the task had taken so much longer than it should have. My advice to you: leave work at work. Kick your feet up, let your hair down, and do not forget to enjoy time with family and friends.

Master Time Success Tip: Plan for at least one day per week of fun and relaxation. Use this day to sleep in, spend some time on yourself, and have fun! On this day, do not look at your email inbox, open any mail, open your invoicing system, or go to the office.

Well that is it for this series, again, my name is Rick Morsovillo. Thank you for taking the time to read this series. I hope you find it helpful! Below is a quick recap for you on each of the 8 steps to scheduling success for your life.

1 – The Morning Routine

2 – Be Adaptable

3 – Work When the Inspiration Hits

4 – Do the Important Stuff First

5 – Maintain 1 Schedule

6 – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

7 – Take work seriously

8 – Find Time to Relax



Rick Morsovillo

Master Schedule Success

Master Schedule Success picture

Entrepreneurs Master Schedule Success, You Can Too

My name is Rick Morsovillo and I have discovered how many entrepreneurs with similar ideals and routines are able to master schedule success.  This blog is part of a series on the truths that I have found on scheduling success. Be sure to read Master Success By Scheduling Your Success and Master Success Habits if you have not already done so.

Maintain 1 Master Schedule Success Calendar

It is absolutely critical to make sure that all of your meetings, appointments, and engagements are organized into one calendar. The last thing that anyone wants to do is sort through a variety of calendars, notebooks, apps, and tablets trying to figure out their daily schedule. Schedule yourself for success by managing your busy life in just one calendar. Oddly enough, your daily schedule will not seem as daunting and it will be much easier to understand. Additionally, this trick helps you avoid double booking! Lastly, think about how much time you can save by not having to sort through all of your calendars trying to figure out your schedule for the day.

Master Schedule Success Tip: Start today! Choose the device that you feel the most comfortable with. If that is a desk calendar, run to the store (after you finish reading this!) and buy a calendar. If that is your smartphone or computer, download an app and import your calendar. I use the calendar app on my phone and sync it with my calendar on my computer. Lastly, keep this calendar on you all day so that you can adapt when plans change and make sure that you never miss anything.

Master Schedule Success Through Teamwork

So many of the world’s most successful companies were launched through teamwork. Companies like Apple was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Johnson & Johnson was founded by three Johnson’s, and Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Being successful is very rarely about complete independence from a team. Being successful is about working well with others, being able to accept other’s ideas, and collaborate.

Master Schedule Success Tip: Kickoff your lunch break with a quick email to your team updating them on your current project and ask them for feedback. This will help your team feel involved in the process, get involved in the project, and encourage them to share their opinions. Overall, it’s a win-win for everyone!


Again, my name is Rick Morsovillo and I am an entrepreneur from Springfield, Missouri. If you interested in learning more on scheduling success, read the next blog in this series entitled, Schedule Success: Greatest Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs. I hope you find this blog series helpful!

Master Success Habits

Master Success Habits Are Powerful

How You Can Master Success Habits Through The Habits of Successful People

Many successful entrepreneurs have learned master success habits. They have developed their methods based on their own habits that have created success for them. Have you ever tried to incorporate their habits into your life? My name is Rick Morsovillo and I have discovered how to master my success by studying other successful entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs have similar ideals and routines which increases their success. This blog is part two of a four-part blog on the habits and routines of successful entrepreneurs.  If you have not already done so, read up on the previous blog in this series Master Success By Scheduling Your Success.

Successful Entrepreneurs Master Success Habits By Feeding Their Brains 

Tony Robbins, Motivational Speaker and Peak Performance Coach, has this to say about his daily learning habit. “Years ago I got hooked on a habit that turned out to be one of the most valuable of my life: reading at least 30 minutes a day. Jim Rohn, one of my teachers, told me that reading something of substance, something of value, something that was nourishing, something that taught you distinctions, was more important than eating. ‘Miss a meal,’ he said, ‘but don’t miss your reading.’ Remember: leaders are readers.”

Full disclosure: this one is tough for even me because I am not a big reader. However,  I recognize that when I do read or listen to an audio clip it does reframe my perspective and give me new ideas for old problems.  

Master Success Habits Tip: Listen to YouTube clips or podcasts of motivational speakers like Tony Robbins in the car on your way to work.  Even if it’s just five to 10 minutes, it’s still habit-forming and you will get benefits.

Successful Entrepreneurs Master Success Habits By Practicing The Art Of Listening

In the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey writes, “most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”  When a new situation arises, I find I need to hear what’s going on from every angle possible. Only then can can I assess it in its entirety and understand how I can bring it to positive resolution.  I have learned that if I am crafting my response while the other person is talking, I usually miss a piece or it takes longer to bring the situation to a close.  

Master Success Habits Tip: Get into the habit of delaying problem-solving mode until you can get a full picture of situations.  Use phrases like, “I have to process this” to give yourself some time to think things through.


Again, my name is Rick Morsovillo and I am an entrepreneur from Springfield, Missouri. If you want to know more on mastering your success, check out the next blog in this series entitled Mastering Schedule Success. I hope you find this blog series helpful!

Master Success By Scheduling Your Success

Master Success Meter

Is It Possible To Truly Master Success?

Have you ever wanted to literally master success, but wondered if you really could? My name is Rick Morsovillo and I have discovered that many successful entrepreneurs have similar routines and schedules which are an integral part in their successful everyday lives. This blog is Part One of a four-part blog on the habits and routines of entrepreneurs that have mastered their success.

Entrepreneurs Master Success By Having A Morning Routine

Author Laura Vanderkam recently conducted a study on the schedules of high achievers. She discovered that almost all of them scheduled their success. They got up early and had a morning routine. Sir Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group, is a huge advocate of taking control of your productivity in the mornings. Tony Robbins, Peak Performance Coach, calls that morning time “The Hour of Power.”

Getting up early and completing a morning routine has lots of benefits. Walking into a work day fully alert helps ready the entrepreneur for the demands of the day. Accomplishing small personal and professional goals before work is a mood booster and small pieces of evidence for achieving success. For example, my morning mood-boosting routine involves waking up and drinking two glasses of water, making a cup of green tea and then working out.  

Master Success Tip: Consider scheduling time to achieve quick, easy personal and/or professional goals before work rather than after work.

Entrepreneurs Master Success By Knowing When To Schedule For Problem-Solving

Dealing with problems is a big part of being a successful entrepreneur. Some problems need to be handled at the moment they arise. Others problems can wait for solutions. To master success you need to get dialed into your personal problem-solving habits. My timing for problem-solving depends on both internal and external factors. There are times when I feel more prepared to be solutions oriented than others. For example, if I have not slept well, I will not deal with a problem until I am fresh. In these cases, I will allocate time the next morning, after my workout  when I am fresh.  Sometimes the solution requires collaboration.  In these cases  I have to be aware of my team and their schedules.   There are other times when I don’t know about problems. Scheduling regular department meetings gives the team an opportunity to bring them up and allocate time for solutions.

Master Success Tip: Schedule status meetings with your teams. Know the internal and external factors that impact your ability to effectively deal with problems and plan accordingly.  

Again, my name is Rick Morsovillo and I am an entrepreneur in Springfield, Missouri. Want More? Read the next blog in this series, Master Success Habits to truly master success. I hope you find this blog series helpful!

Maximizing Efficiency: Focusing On One Thing At A Time

Maximizing Efficiency: Need For Simplicity

Efficiency without Multitasking

We live in a world where everyone puts more hours in at the office. This is compounded by the stress that we all feel when trying to accomplish more. Often times, we look towards technology to simplify our lives. Yet this same tool has a strong tendency to sap our attention and steal our time. I ask you this: Has maximizing efficiency ever been more needed than today?

Thankfully, we can all learn to become more efficient at work. Both as an individual worker and a company of workers. Management consultants, business professors, and efficiency experts tirelessly debate the merits of business-wide efficiency. Maximizing efficiency means lowering the cost of input for the produced output. Simply put, maximizing efficiency comes from the least amount of work with the greatest production possible.

Maximizing Efficiency: Killed By Multitasking

One great area to maximize efficiency is in your workforce. Increase individual productivity by increasing the amount of work produced in a given time. You can quickly create a more efficient production by encouraging your workforce to stop multitasking!

Recent studies show that it takes 25% – 40% longer to finish a job when you are simultaneously working on additional projects. No brainer, right? However, think about how often you are distracted every 10 minutes at work. An email here, text message there, or even a phone call from a customer and you are behind on your schedule. I encourage you to keep this statistic in mind and work on just one task at a time.

Efficiency Experts from The Energy project use psychological data on the fundamental human need for rest. One of their secrets is known as the ultradian rhythm which causes ones energy levels to rise and dip on a 90 minute cycle.  Annie Perrin, VP of facilitation and programs, says “At that 90-minute mark, you have to think about some sort of renewal, to put fuel back in your tank before you start the next cycle.” Below is a list of a couple things I have found that help energize me during these times:

  • Eat a healthy snack
  • Enjoy a short walk (outside if possible)
  • Listen to a couple songs
  • Meditate

Efficient workers contribute to a much more efficient workplace. This principle holds true even when small companies are fine-tuned. You would be surprised at how quickly a minute or so saved on a single task can add up in the long run. Assuming the minimum loss in productivity, a 25% loss of efficiency due to multi-tasking adds up to 2 hours of lossed efficiency in a standard work day (60 minutes/hour * 8 hours = 480 minutes * 25% = 120 minutes). This ads up to 10 hours per week and 520 hours of lost efficiency per employee per year!! Maximizing efficiency in your work environment is achieved by taking breaks at the right time and discouraging multitasking.

Do you ever wonder how much efficiency may be lost in your organization? Perhaps it is time to rethink employee management. Perhaps it is time to introduce some new time saving breaks into your workforce efficiency.

3 Brilliant Tips On Accomplishment

3 Outstanding Tips On Accomplishment From Rick Morsovillo

Rick Morsovillo on Accomplishment

We all have strengths that underlie the story of our lives. One of mine is the ability to accomplish things. If the ability to accomplish is not a strength of yours, it’s ok – we are not all great at everything. Here are a few tips on accomplishment in seeing an idea through that have been helpful for me in getting things done.

Tip On Accomplishment #1: Keep the Vision Clear.

Whether it’s a starting new business unit or managing a small project, it’s important that the end goal stays in focus.  This becomes the lens you look through when you need to make decisions. For example, in order to score the goal in hockey, I have to make decisions on the ice that get me closer to the net, not farther away.

Tip On Accomplishment #2: Qualify the Advice-Giver.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it doesn’t mean that their advice is best applied in accomplishing your particular goal. Or if it’s a team goal, it doesn’t mean that their opinions serve the good of project. A lot of people take in advice and then feel obligated to act on it. Advice givers, including myself, offer advice for many reasons – to be helpful, out of concern and sometimes to be self-serving. For example, as a hockey coach I want my team to be successful. Throughout the season I receive a lot of advice about which players should get the most ice time. I assess the words as much as who is speaking them to decide whether it will help me accomplish my goal. Then I act, or not.

Tip On Accomplishment #3: Celebrate!

What’s accomplishment without some sort of recognition of it? It can be as simple as a private pat on your own back or as elaborate as a party.

In the end, it’s the sense of accomplishment – that feeling of having completed something – that keeps me motivated to get things done. So for those who don’t think it’s a strength of yours I leave you with this last thought. Practice makes perfect.

I hope you found my tips on accomplishment helpful. If you think of any additional tips that you would like to share with me or others, please send me the feedback using the form to the left. Again, my name is Rick Morsovillo and thanks again for taking the time to read my blog.

Fun Friday 5

Fun Friday 5 Is Here!

Hey there, my name is Rick Morsovillo. As you may already know, I started writing a blog series to let my readers, friends, and business associates know a bit more about me and the things that inspire me. For this reason, the blog series is centered around the same three questions week after week:

  1. What song has been my jam this week, and why?

  2. What is a lesson that you have learned this week?

  3. What is something that you have been thankful for this week?

I am proud to bring you, Fun Friday #5!

1- This week I kept my repeat buttoned turned on for Blue Orchid by The White Stripes!

2- This week I learned that in Iceland, they still believe in elves. So much so, in fact, that the highway department actually consults an individual that speaks to elves to make sure that new roadways do not disturb elf villages.

3- This week I am very thankful for my business partners. I know we all work hard, but I also know that my businesses would not be as successful today without their involvement.

Well, that is it for this week.

Employee Motivation

employee motivation

Easy Employee Motivation TipsFrom Our Call Center

I believe it is safe to say that we all know that motivated employees work better and harder. The tricky part, is making sure that your staff is always motivated and encouraged to reach their potential. However, I believe that we sometimes try to over-complicate employee motivation. Below are three simple tips that we have discovered to keep your workforce motivated and productive.

1 – Keeping it Fresh

Just like your favorite foods, fresh is best. However, this can be hard when you are surrounded by the same people 5 days a week. And regardless of how much you love your job, it can become monotonous. This is especially true for repetitive industries such as call centers and sales. Find ways to break things up and it’s even better when this leads to fun and laughter. Randomly walking through the office with a goofy hat or ringing a bell when someone schedules an appointment are some of the tricks we use to keep our employees motivated.

2 – Foster Employee Appreciation

Who doesn’t like to know that they are appreciated in what they do? Think about it, don’t you like to know that what you said or did mattered? The same is true for everyone. Find ways to show your staff your appreciation for their hard work, and they will reward you with working even harder. We take pride in our staff’s demonstration of their appreciation towards each other. We frequently show our appreciation to our staff by having regular cookouts. Showing your employees appreciation for all they do for you is definitely a must for any company that values employee motivation.

3 – Survey Your Employees

Rewarding your staff is a powerful component of increasing your overall employee motivation. Sometimes it is so hard to come up with the best ways to reward your workforce. We are all unique people with different likes and dislikes. What one person would highly appreciate for a reward might mean little to another. One of the things that we do to motivate our staff is routinely survey their likes. The key is to find easy-to-get things that the most people would like. We know what all of our employees favorite candy bars are. We keep a stash in our office and publicly reward them with their favorite.

I have been in the business of employee motivation for a long time. I do not pretend to be perfect at it, but I have learned a thing or two and I hope these techniques are helpful in your business.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. Click here to read more about Rick Morsovillo or catch up on Rick Morsovillo’s blog.

The Art of Adversity: How to Push Through Hard Times

The Art of Adversity

Someone asked me recently who has been the most influential person in my life. I had to think long and hard about the answer because no one in particular came to mind.  People talk about a coach, family member, spouse or early-career boss, but I couldn’t think of any person in those roles that qualified as “most” influential.

In truth, adversity has been my most influential teacher. In a panic situation, I have always had an inner guide that has pulled the tools from the toolbox to maintain calm, perseverance, action, whatever was needed at that moment in time.  Here’s what I have learned from adversity.

1-      Keep calm and carry on

In life, knowing that even the scariest times in life will pass because the quicker things unfold the quicker they subside.  In the midst of the moment, it does not serve me to get swept away in emotion. Staying calm has given me the clearer mind to make the best decisions as to how to move forward and deal with the situation. I have found that this one of the most important pillars in the art of adversity as well as many other facets of life.

2-      Leverage your resources

Bad times call for good networks and that’s what has been a real life saver for me in times of adversity. Thankfully, my years of building a network pays off in times when I need support. In the face of troubling times, I have learned that there are many people in my life that believe in me and show up for me when I need it.

3-      Keep it moving, figuratively and literally

There’s a quote that says, “if you’re going through hell, keep going.” Adversity has motivated me to keep moving through the problem to a conclusion and also to keep moving my body. When animals experience stress, they literally shake it off. When humans experience stress, we sweat it out.   My regular exercise routine has helped keep me balanced and able to cope with the ups and downs of life.

4-      Adversity doesn’t have to be a permanent resident

After the situation has passed, I have learned to recognize that I don’t have to dwell on it. I can almost always find a positive take-away from the situation then I can leave it behind.

I have endured a lot of adversity throughout my lifetime and career. I can honestly say that these times are not easy, but they are great opportunities for growth, and that they are temporary. I hope this post encourages you, and helps you find the strength within you to push on through adversity. Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on the Art of Adversity.

Interested in more? Read more about Rick Morsovillo here.

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